Dr.Haydar.AI: An AI-native Healthcare Platform

Automate Patient Notes

Improve Revenue Cycles Times | Improve CMS compliance |Maximize Billing with Automated DDx list, ICD-10 & CPT codes | AI supported Clinical Decision rules & risk stratifications | +70% Decrease in documentation burden | See More patients per hour | …

Automate Patient Notes

Improve Revenue Cycles Times | Improve CMS compliance |Maximize Billing with Automated DDx list, ICD-10 & CPT codes | AI supported Clinical Decision rules & risk stratifications | +70% Decrease in documentation burden | See More patients per hour | …

Reclaim your TIME

TIME: A Mobile & Web App that Automatically creates Patient Notes in Minutes

TIME: A Mobile & Web App that Automatically creates Patient Notes in Minutes

Dr.Haydar.AI: An AI-native Healthcare Platform

Automate Patient Notes

Improve Revenue Cycles Times | Improve CMS compliance |Maximize Billing with Automated DDx list, ICD-10 & CPT codes | AI supported Clinical Decision rules & risk stratifications | +70% Decrease in documentation burden | See More patients per

Reclaim your TIME

TIME: A Mobile & Web App that Automatically creates Patient Notes in Minutes

TIME: A Mobile & Web App that Automatically creates Patient Notes in Minutes

Trusted by Providers at:

Trusted by Providers at:


"Time--Dr. Haydar' app: It's extremely user friendly (Thank heavens, since I'm not computer savy). More importantly--great documentation is generated and it's a HUGE time saver. This is a game changer in the documentation/time war."

Dr. Dodgen


Average time in seconds providers save each day with TIME

Security & Compliance

Enterprise-grade best practices to protect our customers' sensitive health information, We use Drata to verify our security, privacy, and HIPAA compliance controls.


More than 9/10 providers agree that TIME's notes are comparable or superior to their own

Healthcare providers

Focus on patient care & have more TIME

Exponential decrease in document burden

Healthcare providers

Focus on patient care & have more TIME

A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

We are creating a Modern Healthcare System:

With a vertically integrated AI platform that connects all intra-hospital systems, allowing an exponential increase in workflow efficiency and a drastic decrease in operational costs, labor needs & decreasing the need for administrators.

Our truly transformative AI Platform that will align the incentives of administrators and providers, which will ultimately improve the lives of healthcare providers and their patients.

A Vertically Integrated AI platform:

We own the models, the data, the labeling pipeline, & the continuous improvement of our AI-driven products.

We own the models, the data, the labeling pipeline = continuous improvement of our AI-driven products.

Healthcare Providers & Engineers

The fusion of clinical experience and Artificial Intelligence (AI) proficiency within our team enables us to bridge the gap between healthcare knowledge and cutting-edge technology. Our clinicians work hand-in-hand with AI engineers to ensure that our solutions are not only pioneering but also clinically validated and directly relevant to the healthcare ecosystem.


Privacy | Security | Compliance:

What is TIME:


Patient Consent:

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